the elites

Elites are a small group of people who hold a disproportionate amount of control over the livelihood of the rest of biological species. The Elites themselves are tuned by a very small group of Key Players, those key players are the core of an intricate set of overlapping political, economic & military Elite circles. In the Paleolithic age Elites were simply the dominant Alpha male leaders, those early Elites outlawed human incest, by this the Alpha male leader ensured public approval everytime the he decided to gain access to the daughters of Beta male peasants. As a result of undermining Beta Male patriarchs via new laws, more power transferred to lawmaking Elite Alpha Male. The Sumerian city state culture was the most formidable counter-elite form of self-rule. This remained the case until Sargon of Akkad managed to subdue Sumer, Sargon first tactic was using cultural divide between Akkadian peasants & Sumerian peasants. However, Sargon long-term strategy was sharing power with Elites who sided with him vs the peasants. During Sargon 50 years of rule he built a network of Political-Economic-Military Multi-Ethnic alliances, Elites remained loyal to Sargon because they seeked the backup of the Akkadian Empire to intimidate their local peasants. When Sargon died, other Elites made it their purpose to match the greatness of Sargon, this greatness is measured by the extent of Law, Order & Taxation imposed on the Governed Citizens
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to the elites. Some of the top words include: Chipmunkman, Pantless Krab, Anarchy, socialism, l33tz0r, and 25 more.